Driving Success: How Accreditation Management Software Empowers Accreditation Bodies

Introduction Accreditation bodies play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and credibility of various industries and sectors. Their responsibilities include assessing and certifying organizations to meet specific standards and guidelines. Technology has become vital for accreditation bodies to streamline processes and enhance effectiveness in today’s digital age. Accreditation management software has emerged as a […]

Six Software Challenges Faced by Accreditation Bodies (And How To Solve Them)

There was a time when Excel spreadsheets, Word documents and email marked the dawn of an efficiency revolution. Gone was the need for paper, Inter-Department Delivery folders (do you remember those?), and internal mail services. Then was the advent of custom software, where internal staff and vendors would offer their expertise to develop a new […]

Continuous Professional Development Tracking with ARMATURE Fabric

For certification and accreditation bodies to ensure continuous improvement, the first step is to create an environment and infrastructure that enables learning opportunities to be realized. Typically, this will involve establishing or identifying a series of approved learning resources that certificants can take advantage of. Creating these opportunities is paramount in keeping up with the […]

Managing Issues and Risks in ARMATURE Fabric

Over the past 20 years ARMATURE has delivered more than 100 accreditation and certification management software implementations.  When we first began delivering software to customers in the early 2000s, almost everything we did was custom and it would be some time before we would focus on how to manage issues and risks. Over time we […]


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